Artists" Books, Paper and Glass

Spring is upon us. The sun shines, the rain pours down and the trees and grass turn green. It is a time of renewal and a time to share new works. ARTISTS' BOOKS What is an artists' book? A question asked often and one with no definitive answer. Here are a few interpretations: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives: An artist’s book is a medium of artistic expression that uses the form or function of “book” as inspiration. It is the artistic initiative seen in the illustration, choice of materials, creation process, layout and design that makes it an art object. What truly makes an artist’s book is the artist’s intent, and artists have used the book as inspiration in a myriad of ways and techniques, from traditional to the experimental. The book could be made through fine press printing or hand-crafted, the pages illustrated with computer-generated images or cheap photocopies; books become sculptures, tiny an...