Day Dreams Night Dreams and Everything In Between

SUNRISE AND DAY DREAMS I woke up one morning to the sunrise painting my wall red with its brilliance. It was a beautiful sight to wake up to and it filled the room with a different kind of warmth - the warmth of nature. DAY DREAMS Day dreams is a group of panels that came about after working on a book called Dream Rooms. It was totally unexpected when I was playing with a piece of paper and some photocopies of photographs. Initially, I thought, I really don't like the effect, but I'll keep going to see what transpires. Well, I decided I liked the look and playfulness of what I was creating and carried on to make four full panels that are a set of rooms where day dreams happen. I used pieces of photocopied photos and recycled an old calendar of ancient maps. The words are different terms for dream and written in brown ink. Front cover with partial photocopied photograph Back cover with other half of the photocopied p...