All About Words, A Star and A Bestiary

Summer is upon us. Sunshine, rain and birds singing. Green grass, cumulus clouds, art fairs, and so much more. In this post I have created a new book all about one word, a word I loathe. I created a star for a poem I wrote while visiting my favourite coffee shop, made new book covers with cold wax and oil paints and had fun making a new bestiary book. ONE LITTLE WORD I created this book, not to be obscene, but because it is obscene, vulgar, crude, common, and much more. I created it because the thought has been running around my brain for at least a year and the idea of the book grew each time I heard this ugly little word spoken. For those who find this book offensive, I offer no apology, and ask that you make an effort to ban this word from the English language. It is so pervasive and affects almost every aspect of life. This is the envelop for the book. I illuminated the letters using water colours and ink. This...