Window to the Community It has been an interesting year. One of forced withdrawal from society, to keep safe; one of a time to reflect on life as we knew it; and one of a time to create within one's private dome of creativity without interruptions. AUTHORS: COFFEE WITH HEMINGWAY I had this little book kicking around for the longest time. I used it, for a while, as a teaching tool. It's final resting place has become an altered book. I created the small book, attached to the front cover, from the pages I removed from the center of the book. In the hollowed out section of the book, I created two coffee cups with saucers. The floral paper I covered the book and inner section are an example of what the wall paper may have looked like, in the surrounding room, where people were drinking coffee. UNDER MILK WOOD BY DYLAN THOMAS A couple of years ago, readers of the newsletter of the University of the West of England, Bristol:...