Window to the Community
It has been an interesting year. One of forced withdrawal from society, to keep safe; one of a time to reflect on life as we knew it; and one of a time to create within one's private dome of creativity without interruptions.
I had this little book kicking around for the longest time. I used it, for a while, as a teaching tool. It's final resting place has become an altered book.
I created the small book, attached to the front cover, from the pages I removed from the center of the book. In the hollowed out section of the book, I created two coffee cups with saucers. The floral paper I covered the book and inner section are an example of what the wall paper may have looked like, in the surrounding room, where people were drinking coffee.
A couple of years ago, readers of the newsletter of the University of the West of England, Bristol:, were invited to read Under Milk Wood by Dylan Thomas. Originally a 1954 radio drama that was later accepted for the stage. An omniscient narrator invites the audience to listen to the dreams and innermost thoughts of the inhabitants of the fictional small Welsh fishing village, Llareggub. They include Mrs. Ogmore-Pritchard, relentlessly nagging her two dead husbands; Captain Cat, reliving his seafaring times; the two Mrs. Dai Breads; Organ Morgan, obsessed with his music; and Polly Garter, pining for her dead lover. Later the town awakens and, aware now of how their feelings affect whatever they do, we watch them go about their daily business. (Wikipedia)
Once read, we were asked to pick and submit our ten favourite words from the piece. From these submissions the creators at UWE printed the Gwalia Gazette, combining the words into advertisements and a poem. From this, I created a book that lists the different characters in the book as well as using a poem and excerpt from the Gazette.
I played with lines and hand drew the village, under darkness, and during day light, positioning the names of the characters where they most appropriately fit.
I have had a long-time appreciation for the French Renaissance philosopher, Michel de Montaigne, Lord of Montaigne (February 28, 1533 - September 13, 1592). His work is noted for its merging of casual anecdotes and autobiography with intellectual insight.
I have used his quotes in a number of books I created this year.

This is an accordion book I created with six panels. In each panel I used cut-work of trees and backed each panel with a piece of marbled paper. Behind that I cut a window out of the accordion panels which allows the light to filter through.
Two panels with the light filtering through.
Three panels with the light filtering through. On the right hand side of each paper cut panel, is a quote by Michel de Montaigne.
I had been wanting to create a book of medieval-like bestiary creatures. For the longest time the thought rolled around in my head and I collected images of creatures, beasts - real and mystical. Finally I felt I had enough material to create the book. Again, I used quotes by Michel de Montaigne around the beasts.
Cover created from fur, feather and glass on marbled paper.
I hand drew the beasts then transferred them to a water colour paper. The first set of beasts I painted and added quotes.
I liked the look of the hand drawn images, in pencil, so I created a second set of the same images in pencil and added more de Montaigne quotes.
There is a Mary's Bestiary Book 2 coming soon. That one will involve photographs of imaginary beasts.
A couple of years ago, I experimented with eco-printing on paper. The effect, when the right plants were used, was beautiful. I was recently looking through these books again and decided to add some of my tree photos in one of them. The photos were a great compliment to the eco-printed page.
Cover of Eco-Printed Book
Photo of a scar on a tree's bark
Different photos of trees and parts of trees to complement the eco-printed pages.
A couple of my books were accepted, through a juried process, for exhibits this year:
Abecedarian Gallery: Opera Verbis: Works from Words
August - December 2020, Denver Public Library
Denver, Colorado
Dr. Frankenstein's Collection of Spare Parts
I covered the book with a beautiful gold and black paper depicting a forest.
The first page of this accordion book has three pockets which hold pieces of laminated human anatomy pictures.
Taking sections of text from the original book, I added images of medieval human anatomy to match the text.
We were invited to send the original book used to create the new book, to accompany it on display.
This was the original book I took the text from, which I had previously bound.
5th European International Book Art Bienniale: Book as Revolution
Castle Museum, Carei, Transylvania, Romania
September 3 - 12, 2020
de Montaigne Wisdoms
For this accordion book, I used hand painted medieval images, de Montaigne quotes and bound it in an orange suede leather.
I hand-painted the images and strategically placed them around the quotes.
Submissions were restricted to 50/70/50 cm in size, so I added images and a quote to the back side of this accordion too.
I have been working, on and off, over the year on, what I thought to be a scroll. The pieces have come together beautifully. I had photos of public art, gallery art and street art printed on long strips. I did some paper cutting on a couple of the strips that allows light to flow through. However, rolling these pieces has not worked out, so I am in the process of re-thinking how best to put the pieces together. I have a few ideas and will try them out. I am looking forward to completing this artist book - it is beautiful when the pieces are put together.
That's all the news for now. Wishing everyone a healthy autumn and getting back to being sociable again.
If you have any questions about my work, feel free to contact me at:
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DeleteThanks Yama for your kind words, much appreciated.