THE BOOK OF LOVE: is an artist book created with the lyrics from the song by the same name.  I like Peter Gabriel's version of Stephin Merritt's song.  This book combines decorated letters, graphite drawings on mylar, collage (repurposed graphic art images), photographs and written text.  I used water colour paper, card stock, Fabriano Tiziano paper, and gold wrappers from truffle chocolates.  

This small accordion book (6 x 3 1/2 3/8 inches/15.2 x 8.8 x 1 cm) is attached to the larger protective front cover.  When the book is opened, words from the first line of the song appear on both sides of the accordion. 

The first page of the accordion book. 

Long, and, are the words on this side of the accordion. 

Boring is on the other side of the accordion. 

Back of protective cover. The book inside the cover measures: 6.25.75 x 1.75 inches/15.5 x 14.4 x 3.5 cm) and has 122 pages.

The first signature of the book covers the third line of the song, "It's full of charts, facts and figures". 

This signature is a combination of different charts with words from the song written on them (graphic on mylar and sealed). 

The next signature of the book covers facts.  These are decorated letters on different coloured parchment paper.

I repurposed an old calendar with antique maps and found facts about Canada for this signature.

A photograph on the front page of next signature.

Decorated letters, on coloured parchment paper, spelling Figures. The next two signatures combine mathematical formulas and human figures. 

This signature covers the fourth line of the song, "And instructions for dancing". The instructions are drawn on mylar and sealed. 

This signature covers the lines, "I love it when you read to me, You can read me anything.  I used two passages from The Prophet by Khalil Gibran: Pleasure and Friendship, written on coloured parchment paper. 

This signature is a flutter book with ink drawn abstract images and repurposed gold paper from chocolate truffles.  It is one of those 'dumb' items mentioned in the song. 

Last page: photograph 


This next three signatures cover the lines: "The Book of Love has music in it, In fact that's where music comes from". 

"Some of it's just transcendental". 

"But I love it when you sing to me".

I wrote the lyrics to the song, Dance Me To The End of Love by Leonard Cohen, on coloured parchment paper. 

Another transcendental image.


This signature covers the lines, "I love it when you give me things, You ought to give me wedding rings". 

The last signature of the book has the full lyrics of the song, The Book of Love written on coloured parchment paper.  

The last page of the book, a wedding ring. 


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